Josie Tsz Ching Chan

Where are we going on “pronouns”?


A 4-minute stand-up comedy is performed in live during class. Stand-up comedy is chosen as the humor media because it requires certain skills under the timeframe. Including presentation, atmosphere-building, punchline, culture context and more. This creative project intersects with my capstone research as the topic of my paper and the performance are both about political correctness. As it is a stand-up comedy, the scale or “appropriateness” can be different from television show. Therefore, one of the goals of my performance is to joke about political correctness that may seems inappropriate for television show content, acting as an extension from the episode that I analyze in my paper.

Originally, I wanted to do the performance as if I am one of the protagonists of Brooklyn 99 and incorporate some of the show content into the performance. However, I imagined that the audience may find it hard to connect or understand if they have never watched the show before, such as the content or my way to simulate the character. As a result, I choose being myself and not using content from the show in my performance. An outline was written as shown in the photo. The flow of the performance and some of the key words were written down. Some improvisations were made on stage.

It is a precious opportunity for me to try out stand-up comedy. I love watching stand-up comedy, I understand that it is never as effortless as the comedians show. It is still harder than I thought. Being funny in daily life is different from being funny in a stand-up comedy. The efforts that a person put into an hour long show is unimaginable.

Big thanks to the very supporting audience!