Elim Yee Lam Ng

5-minute Sit-Down Stand-Up Comedy Show




5 minutes


5-minute Sit-Down Stand-Up Comedy Show is a short stand-up comedy that I performed for my classmates in the final class meeting. It comprises six jokes. The topics of my jokes revolve around the cultural differences between Americans and Hong Kong people, as well as some issues and topics specific to our class, such as our classmates' names and the Red Bull provided by our professor. The delivery of jokes (timing, tone, etc.) and the linkage or flow from one joke to another are difficult to execute precisely. A lot of practice is required to realize a successful performance. When preparing this project, I discovered that one of the more difficult aspects was carefully balancing the joke set-up with the punchline.

More broadly, this creative project resonates with the topic of my research paper discussing how Jimmy O. Yang's comedy show, Good Deal, addresses race and offers the audience an aesthetic experience.

Thus, in my performance, the jokes are mostly related to nationality and the cultural differences between Hong Kong people and Americans, such as our view on traditional holidays and our names. After studying Jimmy O. Yang's performance, I realized that one of the tricks that ties different jokes together is situating a common keyword within each joke; this allows one to smoothly move from one joke to another. Thus, I applied this this technique to link all six jokes together and I did so with the help of relevant props.